We believe that decolonization is a process in continuous evolution, not yet concluded and, above all, still unresolved, which therefore requires a constant work of investigation within the devices of power that daily support its operation in our present time. A powerful tool of this archaeological depository is language: for this reason, we chose to start the process within high schools, communities of young people, who are the future, starting from a critical reflection on the past, on the colonial roots that still permeate our present language. In this section of the platform, you will find part of this shared path of investigation, of analysis, that sometimes leads to a possible rewriting and re-signification. Our attention was not only focused on a “correct” language precisely because we wanted to avoid the idea that the process of emancipation from the colonial device is resolved; rather, we focused on an open and conflicting field, full of contradictions, falls, mistakes, but also of new potential openings and re-significations. In this cloud, you will find the words which are pronounced, criticized, loved, and hated in the 3 different countries constituting the PTM network – Italy, Greece, and Portugal – in their respective official languages, accompanied by a short English translation, to make all the contents accessible to whoever wants to use this material in open source. The idea is, in fact, that this first collection of words can be useful to those who want to take inspiration to start paths of reflection, study, and analysis inside schools, in local places, within training and literacy courses on these issues, and to continue, from these first experiences, this important work of language investigation, aiming at an educational and social model which is more aware and transformative of our present and, above all, future societies.