
Festival PTM_PassTheMic! Centrale Fies, Dro (IT) 16-17-18 SEPTEMBER 2021 A settembre arriva a Centrale Fies il progetto europeo guidato daUniversità Iuav di Venezia con Fondazione Onassis (Atene) e Collettivo Ebano (Lisbona). PTM! è la prima restituzione aperta al pubblico del progetto europeo che significa “dare la parola all’altro”, interamente dedicato alla decolonizzazione in ambito educativo […]


Fare, disfare e performare la “razza” Tra razzializzazione e riappropriazione Cycle of seminars curated by Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfaù As part of the project PTM_PassTheMic!   8-9-22-23 February 2021 | h 14>18   8 February      Racism as a global phenomenon 9 February      Black diaspora and the African-American paradigm 22 February     Genealogies and archives of Italian Afro-descendent […]


Title One This content appears on page 1. Title Two This content appears on page 2. Title Three This content appears on page 3. Title Four This content appears on page 4. Title Five This content appears on page 5.


CodePen – Flexbox Accordion Section 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Suscipit voluptatum temporibus dicta reprehenderit tempore quisquam consequuntur porro omnis laboriosam praesentium at et sapiente, provident sit! Suscipit recusandae, ab ratione dignissimos. Section 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora totam delectus, eius nostrum aspernatur voluptas enim fugit […]

Elementor #2230

PROJECT Pass the Mic! is a project that pursues the decolonisation of education through the articulation of art practices, research and activism. PTM is funded by Creative Europe and results from a partnership between IUAV and Centrale Fies (Italy), Onassis Foundation (Greece) and EBANO Collective (Portugal). The project builds upon researches and experiences that claim […]